The Great Commission Coalition is a Christ centered ministry dedicated to the fulfillment of the great commission through servant leadership, prayer mobilization and strategic partnerships targeting the most unreached peoples and areas of the world.
God loved you before the world began!
The Great Commission Coalition is committed to serve Christ’s body to fulfill the Great Commission. To do this we focus on three important windows that help us join God on His mission . . . together!
Living in the Fullness of God’s Love

1040 Window
The Great Commission challenge! This geographic area from the 10th to the 40th parallels north of the equator – stretching across Asia, the Middle East and Northern Africa, is home to 60% of the world’s people, including 95% of those with little or no access to the gospel of Jesus Christ. The 10/40 Window represents the heart of the remaining Great Commission mandate for the Church around the world.
4 To 14 Window

An Untapped Mission Force. Did you know that more than 70% of those who make a decision for Christ do so by the age of 15? They are the most open and responsive to the gospel. The 4 to 14 Window Movement prioritizes children ages 4 to 14 and helps them become full partners in God’s mission – as children. This movement has spread to every region and almost every nation of the world in the last 8 years. The Great Commission Coalition serves to facilitate the North American Regional Leadership Team for the 4 to 14 Window and focuses on 6 strategic objectives to maximize our efforts.
1440 Window

Connecting with God on His mission. Every day God gives us an amazing gift of 1440 brand new minutes. They come with new mercy and an invitation to join him on His mission. The 1440 Window helps us discover how we can develop a “culture of prayer” in both our personal and corporate lives. For it is in the place of intimacy with God that we are connected and empowered to fulfill his mission together – across traditions, worship styles and generations.