GCC’s Top Ten Countdown for 2020

Dear Friends,

In March I quoted the first two lines from Charles Dickens – Tale of Two Cities. It was the best of times. It was the worst of times . . . I think his full quote was written to describe 2020! So many big challenges! So many major opportunities. Here’s GCC’s Top Ten Countdown for 2020.

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A World in Crisis – the Harvest is Upon Us!
For 2 years Christian leaders around the world were planning one of the largest, united Gospel outreaches in history. Then Covid-19 brought everyone to their knees. Then people began searching for answers to the big questions in life. And the Gospel has those answers.
May 1st was the Prayer Launch for for Go 2020 as 600,000 people from 100 nations joined in a 4+ hour “on-line” prayer meeting.

A network of 1.8 million house churches with 38 million believers believers also joined with us in this powerful expression of united prayer around the world.

In May the Jesus Film team asked 45 partner ministries to “adopt” one of 48 different nations for 30-minutes of “on-line” prayer. We were focused on the “Night of Power” during Ramadan.

A leader was ill and GCC was asked to lead the time for Afghanistan (40,000+ Mosques and not a single church!) God brought a special prayer team together overnight. We later heard a report from one of our ministry partners. 71,015 visits and 8,375 indicated decisions for Christ took place from Afghanistan through their “on-line” web sites in May. Wow!


When the vision was cast to mobilize 100 million believers to pray for and reach out to 1 billion people with the Gospel during May 2020, a Global Pandemic was not, of course, part of the plan. But reports received through July gave us this first snapshot of results:

  • 50 million were mobilized (believers shared the gospel in person or “on-line”)
  • 656 million were reached (heard the gospel)
  • 9.4 million came to Christ (committed their lives)


The Global Alliance for Church Multiplication (GACX) had 300+ leaders from 26 nations gather in Dallas for their Global Forum in Sept. 2019. Covid-19 made meeting together this year impossible. So, with the theme of Momentum, we met “on-line” and had:

  • 4,000 delegates registered from 130 nations.
  • Our ministry, GCC, registered 100 guests including 74 ministry leaders from India alone.
  • Regional and national expressions of GACX are multiplying! Momentum was the right theme!
The Pandemic made us see things differently. A Month-Long Global Campaign planned for May needed to adjust. Stadiums were out. Churches and schools were closed. But hearts were more open than ever. So…

  • Outreaches started well before May
  • Youth began to refocus for a fall launch
  • Go 2020 became a Year-Long Initiative
  • Leaders began to dream . . .
  • Why not go for a 2020 Decade . . . Together . . .
  • Let’s reach everyone – everywhere by 2030

The vision is now: “Count to Zero!” No one left without the Gospel by 2030.
Every believer a witness.
Together we can reach the world.

The Prayer Covenant for Children and All Africa Baptist Fellowship had big plans for Go 2020 Kids. But schools closed. They began to pray. New doors opened to lead in prayer on radio stations.

Then, out of those prayers, a new vision arose called Last Quarter Evangelism (LQE). The plan – to mobilize and equip children to share the Gospel with one person each day from Oct 1 thru Dec 31. Children submitted designs for Tracks. 20 were chosen. An updated report showed the following results:

  • 14,489 churches participating in 36 nations
  • 264,771 mobilized to share (85% youth)
  • 5,808,380 people have heard the Gospel
  • 301,9073 have prayed to receive Christ

~ Children are excited: “God can use me!” ~

God’s People Are Praying
“Whenever God is ready to do something new with his people, he always sets them to praying.” (J. Edwin Orr)

Jason Hubbard is the new Executive Director for the International Prayer Connect, (IPC), a network of 4,000+ prayer ministries and networks. His driving passion is the Moravian vision: “May the Lamb that was slain receive the reward of his suffering!” Jason also serves on our GCC Board of Directors. GCC has been engaged with the IPC since it began 19 years ago. Let’s pray with Jason and Kristie in his new role:

  • Wise leadership in IPC Family
  • Favor with God and man
  • Growing intimacy with Christ
  • Protection for Kristie & family
God’s People Are Uniting
The Architect of the Universe is at work. He’s awakening and uniting his Church to be on mission with him – Together. New levels of collaboration are emerging around the world.

GACX with their passion to see a church (body of believers) within reach of every 1,000 people everywhere now has 90+ partners. Go 2020 has grown from a One Day Outreach to a Decadal Movement. Reach everyone, everywhere by 2030. Prayer and youth are fully onboard!

God wants this more than we do!
That’s Good News. We are not trying to convince God to do something he doesn’t want to do. He’s calling us to get in step with his heart and his plan.

Here’s a Jason Hubbard quote: 1. Hope is hearing the music of the future. 2. Faith is dancing to it now. 3. Love is bringing others to the dance with you.

The Bible tells us that God rejoices over us with singing, (Zeph. 3:17). Do you hear it? And we know the angels in heaven celebrates every time someone repents. The music in heaven must be getting louder these days.

Hey, Friends, the report we received for #4 in our Countdown List with Prayer Covenant for Children, LQE & Go 2020 Kids was a big update. On November 17, halfway through the campaign, their report showed:

  • 12,729 Churches Involved from 36 Nations
  • 107,551 Believers Mobilized
  • 1,561,006 Gospel Shares Happened
  • 53,653 People Received Christ

Wow! The number of gospel shares and those receiving Christ multiplied. They grew from 53,653 people receiving Christ to 301,907 and the end – and a final report is still to come! And 85% of those reaching out are children and youth! Their confidence is growing as they discover the Power of the Gospel and that God can use them!

So amazing! Let’s take this Good News of Great Joy to All the People. Let’s invite them to the dance. What a great birthday present for Jesus. May the Lamb that was slain receive the reward of his suffering!

Please let us know if we can help connect you, your church, your ministry or your family to what some are calling: “The Great Quarantine Revival.” It would be our Great Joy.

Until all have heard, Tom Victor