e-News Connection – July & August 2019

God’s Amazing Family!

Hong Kong has been in the news a lot lately. But with all the mass gatherings and ongoing protests, perhaps you missed the most exciting news!

From July 24-27 thousands of Chinese Christians from around the world met in Hong Kong to worship, to pray and to celebrate their “Oneness” in Christ. They came from the mainland, from Hong Kong, from Taiwan and from nations around the world. These believers recognize that they are One Family with One Father. This is their true identity. They are committed to be one in Christ – just as Jesus prayed facing the cross.

This oneness found expression across the generations as the worship turned towards children.

On the last evening, a group of children in “full animal costumes” led us in our time of worship and celebration. The joy was contagious and gave new meaning to the words of Jesus:
Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the Kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Luke 18:16

Others from around the world also came to Hong Kong to worship, pray, celebrate and cheer on our precious Chinese family. Several leaders from Japan and Korea were present. They are all committed to walk together as One Family in Christ, an identify that transcends the history of brutal conflict and conquest between these nations! What an amazing family! What an amazing God!

Growing the Family – Across All Generations
A group called Watchmen for the Nations put on the Chinese Homecoming. They are led by a former Egyptian medical doctor, David Demian. The Watchmen group hosts similar gatherings all around the world.

David’s team includes young leaders who were front and center in the planning and execution of the Chinese Homecoming. They were the ones who felt God calling them to include the children in worship. It’s no wonder that more than 50% of the attendees in Hong Kong were under the age of 40. Their passion for Oneness extends in tangible ways – across generational lines.
A team of more than 180 leaders gathered for two days before the larger event to pray and seek God together for His direction. Some of us with the International Prayer Council were invited to join them – to pray and to listen to God together. Before those two days ended, we felt God was calling us to “enlarge our family” by committing to walk together.

The Watchmen for the Nations team allowed us to share the Go 2020 Kids vision and key resources with their leadership team. We are now working to get the Go 2020 Kids “tool kit” into Chinese. So good!


On July 1 GCC celebrated our 20th anniversary. Wow! Let’s honor this milestone by bringing the biggest smile possible to the face of our heavenly Father. He is the One who is uniting His Church to fulfill His mission around the world. And, because He is the ultimate Father, He is fulfilling His promise to turn the heart of the fathers to the children and the children to the fathers, Malachi 4:6. It seems to be happening everywhere. Our travel schedule has gotten very full.

Please Pray:

  • Aug 30 to Sept 6 – Thessaloniki, Greece with the CCC (Cru) Global Church Movement Team for their Bold Moves 2 Conference. 300+ leaders from almost 100 nations will come.
  • Sept 14 to 22 – Indonesia for meetings in Jakarta and Surabaya focused on mobilizing children in prayer and for Go 2020 Kids.
  • Sept 24 to 27 – Dallas, TX for the Global Alliance for Church Multiplication Global Summit – 84 member groups.
  • October 7 to 11 – Singapore for the Southeast Asia Prayer Council with leaders representing national prayer networks in all 11 nations of Southeast Asia.

There will be unique opportunities to share with individuals, churches, ministries and networks the Go 2020 Kids vision during these important meetings. God is opening amazing doors! Please pray that we would be fruitful and faithful during this season.

Thanks for “dreaming God’s dream” with us through your ongoing prayers and support. We are so thankful!

Gratefully His and Yours,

Tom Victor